Year of publication |
2010 |
Category |
Dom. Journal |
Subject |
Title |
헬리콥터용 가스터빈 엔진의 제어기 설계를 위한 고충실도 통합 시뮬레이션 개발 |
Author |
장세아, 최기영, 엄주상, 이범석, 손영창, 유혁 |
Journal title |
한국항공우주학회지 |
Publication date |
2010.03 |
Volume & Other data |
제38권, 제3호, pp.249-257 |
Abstract |
Full authority digital engine control systems for gas turbine engines are replacing conventional mechanical control units rapidly. However, setting up design processes of controllers for high performance helicopter engines are not well known because of the complexity of the total system. This paper presents a high fidelity helicopter and engine simulation for control system design and analysis. Using this environment, a feedforward schedule was set up for a utility helicopter. The total engine simulation with the new controller showed better or equal performance compared to the total engine simulation with the pre-existing controller. |
Keywords |
Helicopter(헬리콥터), Gas Turbine Engine(가스 터빈 엔진), Simulation(시뮬레이션), Control(제어), FADEC |
Issn Number |
File |
헬리콥터용 가스터빈 엔진의 제어기 설계를 위한 고충실도 통합 시뮬레이션 개발.pdf (661.2K) [18] DATE : 2014-06-05 12:55:11 |