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Year of publication 2011
Category Dom. Journal
Title 입사각제어를 위한 통합유도조종법칙
Author 윤중섭,  박우성,  유창경
Journal title 한국항공우주학회지
Publication date 2011.06
Volume & Other data 제 39권, 제 6호, pp. 505-516
Abstract The concept of the IGC(Integrated Guidance and Control) has been introduced to overcome the performance limit of the SGC(Separated Guidance and Control) loop. A new type of IGC with impact angle constraint has been proposed in this paper. Angle of attack, pitch angle rate, pitch angle and line of sight angle are considered as state variables. A controllability analysis and equilibrium point analysis have been carried out to investigate the control characteristic of the prposed IGC. The LQR(Linear Quadratic Regulator) has been adopted for the control law and detailed explanations about the adoption has been provided. The performance comparison between the IGC and the SGC has been carried out. The result of numerical simulations shows that the IGC guarantees better guidance performance than the SGC when the agile maneuver is needed for a specific guidance geometry.
Keywords Integrated Guidance and Control, LQR(Linear Quadratic Regulator), Controllability of Nonlinear system, Guidance Performance
Issn Number
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