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Year of publication 2011
Category Dom. Journal
Title 지능형 포탄을 위한 탄도궤적 유지 유도법칙
Author 박우성,  유창경,  김용호,  김종주
Journal title 한국항공우주학회지
Publication date 2011.09
Volume & Other data 제 39권, 제 9호, pp. 839-847
Abstract This paper proposes a new guidance law for increasing the lethality of munitions. The well known PNG (Proportional Navigation Guidance) is inadequate for the munitions because of some weaknesses. Even if the munition does not have the impact point error, the acceleration command is non zero because the line-of-sight changes at all times in flight. Therefore, we use a difference between a target and an impact point. This proposed guidance law is similar to PNG in the form, but this guidance law concentrates a correction rate of flight path angle instead of the LOS(Line of Sight) rate. The correction of flight path angle is defined as the amount of impact point error. This impact point error can be calculated by neural networks rapidly. Finally, we show that the simulation results prove the suitability of this law.
Keywords Munition(포탄), Guidance Law(유도 법칙), Sensitivity(민감도), Neural Network(신경회로망), Impact Point Prediction(탄착점 예측)
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