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Year of publication 2011
Category Dom. Journal
Title 비행체 시간지연을 고려한 정밀경로추종 PID 제어기법
Author 이인석,  박상혁,  이경호
Journal title 한국항공우주학회지
Publication date 2011.07
Volume & Other data 제 39권, 제 7호, pp. 618-626
Abstract In order to complete missions in a complicated terrain or highly dangerous area, an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) needs a fine controller to precisely follow the desired path. A PID controller used for the path following feeds forward path curvature information to the control input to improve the path following performance. High gain for PID controller is necessary to follow path tightly. However the high gain could cause instability or performance degradation when the vehicle has slow dynamics. We present PID controller design method which considers response delay of vehicle as well as path curvature. In order to obtain path curvature the desired path is described as a 3rd order polynomial by applying cubic spline interpolation. We apply the proposed controller to the path following of a UAV which is operated in high altitude and has very slow lateral dynamics. The lateral dynamics are modelled as a first order delayed system in the controller design. Nonlinear simulation shows the UAV with proposed controller follows an arbitrary path very tightly.
Keywords PID controller(PID 제어기), Feed-forward control(앞먹임 제어), Path following(경로추종), Response delay(응답지연)
Issn Number
File  비행체시간지연을고려한정밀경로추종PID제어기법.pdf (694.9K) [9] DATE : 2014-06-05 12:58:06