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Year of publication 2012
Category Dom. Journal
Title 군집비행을 위한 상대 거리정보 기반의 편대 유도기법 설계
Author 김성환,  조성범,  박상혁,  김도완,  유창경
Journal title 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지
Publication date 2012.02
Volume & Other data 제 18권, 제 2호, pp. 87-93
Abstract In this paper, a formation guidance method for UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to simulate the formation flight of birds proposed. The proposed method solves all issues of approaching for formation, formation keeping, and scarce chance to be collided with each UAV during formation process. Also, we design the feedforward controller to compensate the change of speed and heading for maneuvering of the leader UAV and the feedback controller to consider the response lag of the system. The stability and performance of the proposed controller is verified via numerical simulations of the full 6-Dof model of UAV.
Keywords swam flight, autonomous formation flight, formation guidance law, feed-forward control, feed-back linearization, LQR technique, UAV
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File  군집비행을위한상대거리정보기반의편대유도기법설계.pdf (874.7K) [18] DATE : 2014-06-05 13:11:42