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Year of publication | 2012 |
Category | Dom. Journal |
Subject | |
Title | 항공기 충돌 회피 경고 알고리듬 연구 |
Author | 정명진, 장세아, 최기영, 김진복, 양경식 |
Journal title | 한국항공우주학회지 |
Publication date | 2012.06 |
Volume & Other data | 제 40권 제 6호, pp. 515-522 |
Abstract | CFIT(Controlled Flight Into Terrain) is one of the major causes of aircraft accidents. In order to solve this problem, GPWS(Ground Proximity Warning System) is used to generate terrain collision warning using the distance between the aircraft and the underneath ground. Since the GPWS uses the vertical clearance only, it frequently generates false warnings. In this study, a terrain/obstacle collision avoidance warning algorithm was developed for fast flying and highly maneuvering fighters using the flight status and the geographic information. This algorithm condsiders the overall delay in the aircraft reactive motion including the pilot's reaction time. The paper presents a detailed logic and test methods. |
Keywords | CFIT(조종상태 지상충돌), GPWS(대지 근접 경고 장치), Terrain Collision Avoidance Warning(지형 충돌 회피 경고), Obstacle Collision Avoidance Warning(장애물 충돌 회피 경고), flight status(비행 상태), DTED(디지털 지형 고도 데이터), delay time(지연 시간) |
Issn Number | |
File | 항공기_충돌_회피_경고_알고리듬_연구.pdf (670.4K) [23] DATE : 2014-06-05 13:29:09 |