Year of publication |
2013 |
Category |
Dom. Journal |
Subject |
Title |
사이클릭 피치제어가 가능한 쿼드로터 항공기의 운동특성 분석과 LQR 제어 |
Author |
조성범, 장세아, 최기영 |
Journal title |
한국항공우주학회지 |
Publication date |
2013.03 |
Volume & Other data |
제 41권, 제 3호, pp. 217-225 |
Abstract |
Typical quadrotor aircraft use four differential thrust vectors to control the motion. In this study, we design a quadrotor aircraft using collective and cyclic control to improve the shortcomings of existing quadrotor aircraft. The quadrotor aircraft with cyclic control can fly at various attitudes due to the excessive control degrees of freedom. Hence the quadrotor aircraft with cyclic control is suitable as high performance aircraft. In this study, modeling and stability analysis of the quadrotor aircraft have been performed using FLIGHTLAB. LQR control systems were designed using linear models at various flight conditions and verified through nonlinear simulations using MATLAB. |
Keywords |
Quadrotor aircraft, Cyclic control,FLIGHTLAB, LQR control system, Nonlinear simulation |
Issn Number |
File |
사이클릭_피치제어가_가능한_쿼드로터_항공기의_운동특성_분석과_LQR_제어.pdf (518.6K) [22] DATE : 2014-06-05 13:31:36 |