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Year of publication 2013
Category Dom. Journal
Title 항공관제 훈련용 항공기 및 레이더 시뮬레이션 시스템 구축
Author 오혜주,  조상욱,  최기영
Journal title 한국항공우주학회지
Publication date 2013.04
Volume & Other data 제 41권, 제 4호, pp. 305-313
Abstract This paper presents a simulation system for air traffic control (ATC) training. The structure of the ATC is analyzed to define simulation components to be developed. Requirements that must be satisfied by a training simulator are also identified. The results were reflected in the design of the simulator. The training simulator is composed of threemodules same as in real life : air traffic controller, aircraft, radar. Each developed module performs the strict unit tests and combine test based on the scalability, ease, real-time, the operating range of the algorithm derived from the requirements. The simulation system can be connected to an actual ATC, and used to validate the ATC system. At peak load, 1200 aircraft and 30 radars can be operated simultaneously.
Keywords Air Traffic Control(항공관제), Modeling and Simulation(모델링 및 시뮬레이션)
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File  항공관제 훈련용 항공기 및 레이더 시뮬레이션 시스템 구축.pdf (778.2K) [25] DATE : 2014-06-05 13:33:47