Year of publication |
2013 |
Category |
Dom. Journal |
Subject |
Title |
무인기의 정밀 낙하산 착륙을 위한 전개지점 결정 |
Author |
김인한, 박상혁, 박우성, 유창경 |
Journal title |
한국항공우주학회지 |
Publication date |
2013.06 |
Volume & Other data |
제 41권, 제 6호, pp. 465-472 |
Abstract |
In this paper, we suggest how to determine the parachute deploy position for accurate landing of a UAV at a desired position. The 9-DOF dynamic modeling of UAV-parachute system is required to construct the proposed algorithm based on neural network nonlinear function approximation technique. The input and output data sets to train the neural network are obtained from simulation results using UAV-parachute 9-DOF model. The input data consist of the deploy position, UAV’s velocity, and wind velocity. The output data consist of the cross range and down range of landing positions. So we predict the relative landing position from the current UAV position. The deploy position is then determined through distance compensations for the relative landing positions from the desired landing position. The deploy position is consistently calculated and updated. |
Keywords |
UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-무인기), Parachute(낙하산), Parachute deploy(낙하산 전개), Parachute landing(낙하산 착륙), Neural Network(신경회로망) |
Issn Number |
File |
무인기의정밀낙하산착륙을위한전개지점결정.pdf (1.4M) [20] DATE : 2014-06-05 13:36:44 |