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Year of publication 2010
Category Int. Conference
Title Anti-Ship Missile's Guidance Law Estimation Filter using IMM Estimator
Author 윤중섭,  유창경,  최기영
Journal title AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
Publication date Aug. 2-5, 2010
Volume & Other data AIAA 2010-8186
Abstract To obtain an optimal engagement strategy against an ASM(Anti-Ship Missile), it is necessary to carry out a threat analysis of it. However, the general target tracking lter cannot provide enough information to achieve such an analysis. The approaching route of an ASM is most useful information to carry out a threat analysis and it can be estimated by the guidance law of the ASM. This paper proposes a guidance law estimation lter called GLEF(Guidance Law Estimation Filter), which can provide the information of an ASM's guidance law. The GLEF adopts two candidates of guidancee laws which are the PPN(Proportional Pure Navigation) and the IAC(Impact Angle Control) guidance law. The PPN guidance law is the most commonly used guidance law for a missile and the IAC guidance law is used if an impact for a speci ed angle is needed. The guidance law selection process is based on the mode probability which is given by the IMM estimator algorithm. The GLEF can also estimate the navigation constant of PPN and impact angle of IAC. By using these parameters, we can predict the approaching route of ASM accurately.
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