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Year of publication 2010
Category Int. Conference
Title Guidance Law for a Modern Munition
Author 박우성,  윤중섭,  유창경,  김용호
Journal title International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2010
Publication date Oct. 27-30, 2010
Volume & Other data pp.2376-2379
Abstract While the PN (Proportional Navigation) guidance is known generally in the study of the missile guidance, there are not broadly known guidance laws for the munitions. Some guidance laws like the Impact Point Prediction. Modified Proportional Navigation Guidance, and Neural Network are considered currently. In this paper, we suggest the new guidance law of using the sensitivity. The sensitivity is a value about the relationship between the variation of velocity and the impact point error. Finally, we simulate the trajectory correction of the munition through this guidance law.
Keywords Guided Munition, Sensitivity, Guidance Law, Predictor
Issn Number
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