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Year of publication 2013
Category Others
Title 적외선 영상탐색기를 탑재한 대함유도탄-함정방어체계 교전모의 프로그램 개발
Author 박상섭
Journal title 학위논문(석사)
Publication date 2013.02
Volume & Other data
Abstract Since the 1960s, the anti-ship-missile(ASM) has been one of the most important military assets for threatening ships. Thanks to the development of the on-board electronics, the ASM is being evolved as a smart system and it becomes more and more difficult to intercept or deceive the ASM.
 In early days, ASM with Infrared(IR) seeker was vulnerable to decoy system because IR seeker only can detect the infrared signal dissipated from the target's heat source that can be easily separated from uniform background infrared signal. But recently, as improved infrared detection electronics and image processing softwares are available, infrared images with a higher resolution are now exploited for effective target tracking. IIR(Image Infrared) seekers are very robust to deception of target decoy system as well as environmental clutters. Accordingly, the ship defense systems to pretect the ASM is also being sophisticated and adopting multi-layered hierarchical defence concept. Modern battleship starts to equip the burning clouds(or flares) system combined with the countermeasures washdown system to cool down the surface temperature of the ship. This defense system forms the most inner ship-defense layer and greatly improves the survivability of the ship against the ASM with seeker.
 Decision making of time and position to deploy flares and CMWDS is one of the most important issues in an operational aspect of the new ship defense system. In this paper, in order to analyze performance of this new decoy system, an engagement simulation program between the ship defense system and the ASM is introduced. All the components of the ASM and the ship defense system are modeled in detail enough to guarantee truth and reality. Single run and Monte-Carlo simulation results for the various engagement scenarios between are the ASM and the ship defense system are analyzed. Special concerns are placed on the investigation of the effect of the ship decoy system, flares and CMWDS, against various kinds of target tracking algorithms of the IIR seeker of the ASM.
Keywords Engagement Simulation Program, ASM(Anti Ship Missile), Ship Defense, IIR(Image Infrared)-Seeker, Tracking Algorithm, Burning clouds, Flares, CMWDS(CounterMeasures WashDown System)
Issn Number
File  적외선 영상탐색기를 탑재한 대함유도탄-함정방어체계 교전모의 프로그램 개발.pdf (3.0M) [26] DATE : 2014-06-06 16:57:07