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- Publication
Year of publication | 2011 |
Category | Others |
Subject | |
Title | LQR을 통한 사이클릭 피치제어가 가능한 쿼드로터 항공기의 비선형 시뮬레이션 |
Author | 조성범 |
Journal title | 학위논문(석사) |
Publication date | 2011.02 |
Volume & Other data | |
Abstract | To improve usages of unmanned air vehicles(UAVs), many kinds of UAVs are being tried. Developments in MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) sensors and high density electronic parts contributed significantly to the progress of small UAVs. Especially, researches on rotorcraft which has convenience of application, VTOL(Vertical Take-Off and Landing), and excellent performance at low speed are remarkable. Typical rotorcraft should have larger main rotor system to increase the payload capacity. In this case, it is needed to perform complex structural analysis and design for the safety of the rotor system, which increases development time and cost significantly. Multi rotor aircraft, which has natural anti-torgue capability, including a quadrotor aircraft has a clear advantage on this matter over helicopter.
In this study, we design a quadrotor aircraft using collective and cyclic control, to improve the shortcomings of existing quadrotor aircraft. The quadrotor aircraft with cyclic control can fly at various attitudes due to the excessive control degrees of freedom. Hence the quadrotor aircraft with cyclic control is suitable as high performance aircraft. In this study, modeling and stability analysis of the quadrotor aircraft have been performed by FLIGHTLAB. LQR control systems were designed using linear models at various flight conditions and verified through nonlinear simulation. |
Keywords | Quadrotor, Cyclic control, FLIGHTLAB, LQR control system, stability analysis, Nonlinear simulation, FLIGHTGEAR |
Issn Number | |
File | 조성범_LQR을 통한 사이클릭 피치제어가 가능한 쿼드로터 항공기의 비선형 시뮬레이션.pdf (2.2M) [13] DATE : 2014-06-06 17:17:36 |