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Year of publication 2011
Category Others
Title 태양시선벡터를 이용한 자장계의 Hard Iron Distortion Error 보정
Author 이혜탄
Journal title 학위논문(석사)
Publication date 2011.02
Volume & Other data
Abstract This paper addresses a method of calibrating a magnetometer using the sun line of sight(SLOS) vector. The Kalman filter is used to identify the magnetometer’s additional hard iron distortion error for the calibration of GPS/MAG/INS(GPS and Magnetometer aided Inertial Navigation System). Since the magnetometer’s hard iron distortion error remains in a fixed value during the operation of GPS/MAG/INS, it is enough that the calibration of the error based on stationary flight data is performed only once before flight. The proposed method provides pretty much easier and faster calibration scheme than widely used bidirectional method.
 The SLOS vector is easily measured by optical sensors like a typical optical camera. As we know the current time and LLA(Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) position, we can find the attitude of SLOS vector using the astronomical almanac. The attitude of a vehicle can be estimated using the attitude information of SLOS vector. So, the filter estimates the error of the magnetometer, called the hard iron distortion error, by comparing the north vector calculated from the magnetometer with the exact north vector from an attitude.
 In this paper, the error mechanism and its calibration method of a magnetometer has been introduced. And the filter formulation based on SLOS vector is also proposed. The performance of the proposed method has been verified by vehicle flight test.
Keywords GPS/MAG/INS, magnetometer, sensor calibration, hard iron distortion error
Issn Number
File  이혜탄_학위논문_태양시선벡터를_이용한_자장계의_Hard_Iron_Distortion_Error_보정.pdf (2.1M) [9] DATE : 2014-06-06 17:21:04