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Year of publication 2010
Category Others
Title 지형 정보를 이용한 항공기 지형 충돌 회피 경고 알고리듬 연구
Author 정명진
Journal title 학위논문(석사)
Publication date 2010.02
Volume & Other data
Abstract One of the major causes of aircraft accidents is called CFIT(Controlled Flight Into Terrain). The CFIT typically occurs while aircraft are taking off, landing near terrain and flying over the sea under poor visibility condition. Fixed-wing fighters that fly fast at low-altitude are more vulnerable to terrain collision than low speed civil aircraft. In order to solve these problems, GPWS(Ground Proximity Warning System) is used to output terrain collision avoidance warning considering the distance between the aircraft and the underneath ground. The GPWS is too simple to use the vertical clearance only, and frequently fails to generate proper warnings. Currently developed terrain collision avoidance warning systems use forward looking radar and various senors along with terrain database. In this study, terrain/obstacle collision avoidance warning algorithm was developed for fast flying and highly maneuvering fighters using flight status and geographic information called DTED(Digital Terrain Elevation Data). The total delay of the aircraft including the pilot's reaction time in this algorithm is considered. The thesis presents detailed logic and test methods.
Keywords low-altitude flight, DTED, flight status, delay time, terrain collision avoidance warning, obstacle collision avoidance warning
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File  정명진_석사학위논문_지형정보를 이용한 항공기 지형 충돌 회피 경고 알고리듬 연구.pdf (2.4M) [8] DATE : 2014-06-06 17:31:12