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Year of publication 2013
Category Int. Conference
Title Determination of Survivability Enhanced Terminal Waypoints for Simultaneous Arrival of Multiple UAVs
Author 홍주현,  박상혁,  하현종,  유창경,  신원영
Journal title SICE Annual Conference 2013
Publication date September 14-17, 2013
Volume & Other data pp. 1917-1920.
Abstract It is typical that multiple aerial vehicles follow the optimal path with some distance in the respect of survivability maximization. In the final approach to a target, simultaneous arrival of all vehicles is also required to enhance the probability of mission accomplishment and the survivability of vehicles as well. This paper addresses a method to determine the waypoints in the terminal stage for each vehicle that makes all vehicles arrive at the target simultaneously. Since the guidance law for vehicles is fixed, the problem of determination of waypoints is a sort of parameter optimization problem. The SQP(Sequential Quadratic Programming)-based numerical method and the logical algorithm method are adopted for solving the problem.
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