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Year of publication 1996
Category Int. Conference
Title Closed-Form Optimal Guidance Law for Missiles of Time-Varying Velocity
Author Hangju cho,  유창경,  Min-Jea Tahk
Journal title Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Publication date 1996
Volume & Other data Vol. 19, No. 5
Abstract An optimal guidance law for missiles with time-varying velocity is investigated. The closed-form solution is derived and properties of the key variables of the solution, such as a time-to-go-like function and the time-varying guidance gain, are studied. Implementation aspects related to the computations of time-to-go and the guidance gain also are considered. Simulation studies show that the performance of the proposed guidance law is superior to that of proportional navigation or augmented proportional navigation.
Issn Number
File  Closed-form optimal guidance law for missiles of time-varying velocity.pdf (361.7K) [12] DATE : 2015-10-01 13:40:49