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Year of publication 2013
Category Dom. Conference
Title Adaptive Autopilot Design for UAV with Manipulators
Author 조상욱,  김정성,  최기영
Journal title 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집
Publication date
Volume & Other data pp.493-496
Abstract This paper presents an autopilot system for UAV equipped with manipulators which are used for various mid-air operations. Considering typical missions the system will perform, requirements for the platform and the manipulator are determined. As the manipulators touch or grip external objects, the system naturally goes through transient motion due to the loading transmitted through the end manipulator. To guarantee the workability, it is necessary to maintain the motion of the platform still in the presence of external disturbance. An L1 adaptive controller is design to serve the purpose. A quadrotor aircraft of 10kg is modeled and tested with the control algorithm using simulation, and thus the concept is verified.
Keywords Operational UAV(작업용 무인기), L1 적응제어기(L1 Adaptive Control)
Issn Number