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Year of publication 2013
Category Dom. Conference
Title Verification of Optimal Algorithm for Landing Order with Air Traffic Control Training
Author 고동현,  오혜주,  최기영
Journal title 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집
Publication date
Volume & Other data pp. 556-559
Abstract In this paper, we have developed an algorithm that presents the optimal landing order of multiple aircraft. Constraints condition of the algorithm is a safe distance and optimization variable is the total time required for aircraft to land. Algorithm of maintenance a safe distance is consist of mixed integer linear programming and calculate total time algorithm is developed by considering trajectory prediction and aircraft velocity. In this study, we tested the algorithm on the training of air traffic control simulator, which has been proven to increase the reliability of the algorithm.
Keywords Air Traffic Control(항공관제), Optimal Algorithm(최적화 알고리즘), Landing Order(착륙 순서), 선형계획법(Mixed Integer Linear Programming)
Issn Number
File  항공관제_훈련_시뮬레이터를_이용한_착륙_순서_최적화_알고리즘의_검증.pdf (619.4K) [19] DATE : 2014-05-30 16:30:11