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Year of publication 2013
Category Dom. Conference
Title A Study on Trajectory Optimization to Maximize Terminal Speed for Tactical SSM
Author 김혜성,  박상혁,  유창경
Journal title
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Abstract For executing variety missions of a surface-to-surface missiles, it is necessary to
shape the trajectory according to the missions. Trajectory shaping can be achieved by
assigning different guidance law to each flight phase which is separated by waypoints.
In this paper, for a given guidance scheme, problem formulation and solution approach
of numerical optimization problem to find the best waypoints that maximize terminal
speed of missile is investigated.
Keywords Guided Missile, Trajectory Optimization, Maximize Terminal Speed
Issn Number
File  단거리 지대지 전술 유도탄 종말 속도 최대화 궤적 연구.pdf (409.1K) [23] DATE : 2014-05-23 16:52:23