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Year of publication 2015
Category Int. Conference
Title Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Analysis of Conflict
Author 오혜주,  정세훈,  최기영,  이학태,  정현태,  문우춘
Journal title American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Publication date
Volume & Other data
Abstract As the technologies and demands of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPASs) growing rapidly, integration of RPAS into the existing airspace system is becoming an issue in many countries. To establish rules and regulations for RPAS integration, it is important to understand the impacts of RPAS, which have different flight performances, communication characteristics, separation assurance mechanisms, and human machine interfaces from manned aircraft, on the airspace system. A simulation system that integrates manned aircraft, air traffic control, and RPASs is developed in Inha University to investigate these impacts through Human-in-The-Loop (HiTL) simulations. For the initial test, a scenario with communication delays between the controller and the pilot of the RPAS was constructed. HiTL simulations were performed with several trainee controllers in Korean Aerospace University. Metrics such as Loss of Well Clear (LOWC), delay, and NASA Task Load Index were investigated to analyze the relation between safety, efficiency, and workload respectively. The results show that the introduction of RPASs with communication delay generally causes other manned aircraft to maneuver, which leads to increased delay and workload. Meanwhile, safety is not significantly impacted.
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File  Human-in-the-Loop Simulation Analysis of Conflict Resolution Maneuvers Using an Air Traffic Control Simulation.pdf (1.4M) [34] DATE : 2015-12-30 13:36:16